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Making a report – Information for Gardai 

Your first port of call should always be Gardai. You can report a person missing by contacting your local Garda Station. They will ask you for information about the missing person, including:

  • Their full name or aliases they use

  • A full description of the missing person, including age, height, hair and eye colour, any distinguishing features/tattoos, what they were wearing when last seen.

  • Their usual place of residence

  • Their place and date of birth

  • Details of where and when last seen by family or friends

  • What the person was wearing, including jewellery

  • Insofar as is possible, a contact list of their friends, relatives and colleagues

  • A list of places often frequented

  • Their bank details – if known

  • Details of any vehicle owned or used by the person

  • Details of medical conditions and/or medications they use

  • Details of Social Media accounts they use

  • Their Mobile Phone number

  • Any other relevant information regarding recent events which may have contributed to them going missing.

  • You should also give the Gardai a recent photograph of the missing person, preferably in electronic format.

It may also be useful if you are next of kin, to give approval for the Gardai to publish details of the Missing Person should a public appeal/alert be considered appropriate.

Gardai will assess the level of risk to the Missing Person and determine the best course of action.

Remember to take a note of the name, and station phone number of the Garda taking your missing person’s report.

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